Title: Competition
Author: virdant
Length: 1760 words; one-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Post-Modernism. Which can be defined probably as sometimes along the lines of crack with morbid humor and just overall wtffery.
Pairing: Implied Pikame, implied Yamapi/Shige,
Summary: Shige gets kidnapped.
Warning: Kidnapping, mentions of violence, drugs, and rape.
Content Critique Level: No Holds Barred
Notes: So we read a post-modern piece in short fiction class. And then I read a prompt asking for kidnapping on some meme, and I just started... writing. This is what came out. It's weird. I know. I don't apologize, because this is post-modern.
вот что я люблю
| среда, 17 ноября 2010