In ancient times, there was a musician called Yu Boya. He liked to play a melody called "High Mountain and Flowing Water", but nobody could understand the tune. Yu played the melody again and again in a mountain, still found no bosom friend. Finally one day, a lumberjack walked though the mountain, and he understood what Yu was playing. This person is Chung Tzu-chi. Yu Boya and Chung Tzu-chi became bosom friends then. They planned to meet each other two years later. But two years went by, Yu went to the appointment, while, Chung did not show up at all. Yu inqured about Chung, only realized that Chung had passed away, which is the reason why he didn't go to the meeting. Yu was heartstriken. he knew that Chung was the only person who could understand his music. Then Chung was dead, Yu had no bosom friend again. so he broke his beloved Guqin(the musical instrument) at Chung's grave to show his respect and value to his dear friend.
This is the story that Yu Boya broke his Guqin to show his respect and value to his bosom friend. Chinese people use this story to show that a faithful friend is hard to find.нет, вот представляете? богатый знатный юноша (может, и мужчина, конечно), плыл себе на корабле, сочинял себе музыку, и никто-никто не мог ее понять. но внезапно! нашелся бедный дровосек, который эту музыку оценил по достоинству. и стали они лучшими друзьями - господин и дровосек. а когда дровосек внезапно умер, господин сломал свою лютню со словами: "Моего лучшего друга больше нет со мной, кто же оценит мою музыку?" и поклялся никогда больше не брать в руки лютню.
и вот это у них символизирует
крепкую мужскую дружбу родственную душу.
господи, я точно попаду в ад для слешеров. интересно, как он выглядит ((