"З марта отмечается Праздник девушек, 5 мая — Праздник юношей, 7 июля — Танабата (Праздник звёзд); традиционно они считаются синтоситскими, хотя специалисты находят, что они, возможно, заимствованы из Китая."
нет, ну Танабата точно из Китая, не знаю уж, что там у них за специалисты...
Misogi Harai — Water Purification
Also known as: Misogi Shūhō 禊修法
The practice of purification by ritual use of water while reciting prayers is typically done daily by regular practitioners, and when possible by lay practitioners. There is a defined set of prayers and physical activities that precede and occur during the ritual. This will usually be performed at a shrine, in a natural setting, but can be done anywhere there is clean running water.
The basic performance of this is the hand and mouth washing (Temizu 手水 done at the entrance to a shrine. The more dedicated believer may purify him- or herself by standing beneath a waterfall or performing ritual ablutions in a river. This practice comes from Shinto history, when the kami Izanagi-no-Mikoto first performed misogi after returning from the land of Yomi, where he was made impure by Izanami-no-Mikoto after her death.