а вот вы знали, что в японском есть диалект проституток квартала красных фонарей эпохи Эдо?
и инфа об этом нашлась не где-нибудь, а на форуме по Гинтаме )))
It's Yoshiwara's own historical dialect called "Arinsu". I don't know much about it but it's mentioned briefly in Cecilia Segawa Seigle's book: "Yoshiwara: The glittering World of the Japanese Courtesan" which is as far as I know the most comprehensive book you'll find about Yoshiwara in English.
According to Seigle,
"Isolated in a small walled-in world, assured of government protection and special privileges, the Yoshiwara developed a strong sense of pride in its identity. It nurtured its own unique customs, traditions, language, fashion — exotic even to Edo, which was itself quite different from the rest of Japan. Edoites were aware of the insular character of the Yoshiwara quarter, calling it "arinsu-koku" (country of the arinsu language). Arinsu was a corruption of arimasu ("there is"), a distinctive sentence-ending in the special dialect of Yoshiwara." - Introduction, Page 9
"Because many children and girls came from the country and spoke a variety of dialects, the Yoshiwara artificially created a pattern of speech all its own. Courtesans and their attendants had to learn the prevailing style of speech in order to erase their past and assimilate into the new environment. A uniform "arinsu" language was gradually formed by 1750." - Page 126.