про китайских красавцев ))
в общем, начала слушать еще один подкаст - теперь про китайскую мифологию ))
castbox.fm/va/1105768www.listennotes.com/podcasts/chinese-mythology-...там жена-китаянка и ее муж делают коротенькие выпуски, я пока послушала два, номер 123 и 128, про красавцев древности. и мне очень понравилось ))
в общем, в 123 выпуске была история про Цао Цао, вернее, про то как к нему приехал посол гуннов. Цао Цао комплексовал (ахаха, Цао Цао комплексовал - умора), что недостаточно красив, чтобы представлять страну, и велел изображать себя товарищу по имени Cui Jigui - вот он был красавцем, с бородой в 90 см )))
kongming.net/encyclopedia/Cui-Yanну, дипломатическая встреча началась, Цао Цао стоит рядом с красивым лже-королем, все хорошо, а потом, после окончания встречи, посла от гуннов тихонечко спросили, мол, что он думает о правителе царства Вэй. И он ответил: "Правитель Вэй и правда благороден и красив, но тот, кто стоял рядом с ним - вот он герой из героев". Услышав это, Цао Цао очень обрадовался и велел посла казнить ))) Видимо, чтобы тот чересчур умных советов своим вышестоящим не отправлял )))
Это все из книги 世說新語, в ней есть раздел о мужской красоте - 容止.
en.wikisource.org/wiki/Translation:Tales_of_the...История вторая - про He Ping Shu и императора ))
Жил-был очень красивый мужчина по имени Хэ Пиншу, и была у него такая белая кожа, что император заподозрил его в том, что тот красится. Ну и пригласил его к себе
на чашку чая на миску горячей лапши. Хэ Пиншу поел лапши, вспотел, утерся полотенчиком, но остался таким же белолицым и даже стал еще красивее, раскрасневшись! мимими ))
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/He_YanAt a young age, He Yan gained a reputation of being extremely gifted: "bright and intelligent as a god".[8] He had a passion for reading and study. Cao Cao consulted with him when he was confused about how to interpret Sun Tzu's The Art of War, and was impressed with He Yan's interpretation.[7] He Yan's contemporaries (both in Cao Wei and the Jin dynasty) disliked him, and wrote that he was effeminate, fond of makeup, dissolute and egotistical. The second Wei emperor Cao Rui (r. 226-239) refused to employ him because he believed that He was a "floating flower": well known for a life of flamboyance and dissipation. He was reportedly fond of "five-mineral powder", a hallucinatory drug.[8]
ну ооочень интересная ветка про мужскую красоту, родинки в виде слезы, идеальные брови и т.д.:
www.quora.com/What-is-the-traditional-East-Asia...There is a chapter (世說新語/容止 - 维基文库,自由的图书馆 ) from the well-known book 世说新语 Shì Shuō Xīn Yǔ "New Anecdotes of Social Talk" (compiled around the first half of the 5th century). The chapter mainly talked about people's appearance. I'll pick some lines for your information (with my awkward translation)
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He Ping-shu was handsome and his face was white. The emperor doubted he applied power to the face. One day in a hot summer, the emperor sent him a serve of hot noodle soup and asked him to eat it immediately. He Ping-shu drank the soup and sweated all over. He then wiped his face with a red cloth but his face remained so white.
Pei Ling-gong was handsome. Even if he took off the hat, dressed poorly or disarrayed the hair, he still looked handsome. People called him "Jade man". Those who saw him said, "When I see Pei, it's like taking a walk on a jade mountain, I can't see things because of the shining jade."
You can see that being white is one of the ideals for handsome men in China.
Ji Kang was 7 chi 8 cun tall (a chi is over 23 cm in the Han dynasty so 7 chi 8 cun is about 179 cm) and a very handsome man. Those who saw his would exclaim, "What a tall handsome man!". Some said, "He's tall like a pine tree!" Shan Gong added, "Ji Kang is tall like a pine tree in solitude. When he is drunk, he walks like a collapsing mountain made of jade."
Someone told Wang Rong, "When Ji Yan-zu stands among a crowd, it's like a wild crane among a herd of chickens." Wang replied, "You should meet his father!".
In order to become a handsome man in ancient China, you have to be tall.
Pei Ling-gong was a handsome man. One day he got sick and the emperor sent Wang Yi-fu to pay him a visit. Wang arrived when Pei was lying in bed with the face toward the wall. Upon hearing the emperor's envoy was visiting, Pei managed to look back. After a while Wang went out and said, "His eyes were shining like lightning and his feelings well. I think his illness is trivial."
Wang You-jun saw Du Hong-zhi and exclaimed, "His face is like solidified fat and the eyes shining like painting. He must descend from heaven!"
Yes, being a handsome man, you must have big, shining eyes.
For comparison the following.
Liu Ling was six chi tall (about 140 cm) and an ugly man.
Yu Zi-song was no more than 7 chi tall (over 160 cm), and he had big a stomach, but he seemed very self-indulgent.
Finally, in ancient China, a handsome man must be white, tall, fit and with attractive facial features (like beautiful eyes, nose, lips, beards, hairs etc..)