Dialogue: 0,0:04:16.00,0:04:20.04,Default,,0,0,0,,Кто ж знал, что вам вдруг захочется поиграть с водой, вжух - и исчезли.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.04,0:04:22.54,Note,,0,0,0,,Презр. "притащенная бутылка из-под масла", явная отсылочка к Братцу.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.04,0:04:22.54,Default,,0,0,0,,Только тебя, обузу, и оставили.
1) презр. притащенная бутылка из-под масла (о пасынке или падчерице, приведенных их матерью в дом второго мужа или о женщине, вторично вышедшей замуж)
2) обуза
你只会成为拖油瓶 от тебя не будет никакой пользы
(1) [(of woman)remarry with children by a previous husband]∶旧蔑指妇女带着与前夫所生的孩子再嫁
(2) [a woman's children by a previous marriage]∶再嫁时所带的前生子女(有歧视意)
tuō yóu píng
tuō yoú píng
(derog.) (of a woman) to bring one’s children into a second marriage
children by a previous marriage
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One famous legend tells of how once when Bian Que was in the State of Cai, he saw the lord of the state at the time and told him that he had a disease, which Bian Que claimed was only in his skin. The lord brushed this aside as at that time he felt no symptoms, and told his attendants that Bian Que was just trying to profit from the fears of others. Bian Que is said to have visited the lord many times thereafter, telling him each time how this sickness was becoming progressively worse, each time spreading into more of his body, from his skin to his blood and to his organs. The last time Bian Que went to see the lord, he looked in from afar, and rushed out of the palace. When an attendant of the lord asked him why he had done this, he replied that the disease was in the marrow and was incurable. The lord was said to have died soon after.
Бянь Цюэ или Бянь Цяо (кит. 扁鹊) — в китайской мифологии один из богов-покровителей врачей, в образе которого смешаны два разных персонажа:
мифический Бянь Цюэ с птичьим клювом и крыльями летучей мыши — сподвижник культурного героя-первопредка Хуан-ди, помогавший ему в распознании целебных свойств растений. (Имя Бянь Цао в этом случае объясняется через бянь — летучая «мышь» и цяо — «сорока»);
реальный знаменитый врачеватель 6 в. до н. э. Цинь Юэ-жэнь 秦越人, получивший прозвище Бянь Цюэ.
Согласно легенде, Бянь Цюэ перенял своё искусство от бессмертного Чансан-цзюня (« господин длинное тутовое дерево»), который давал ему чудесные капли. Через 30 дней Бянь Цао смог видеть сквозь стены и проникать взором во внутренности человека. В 521 до н. э. Бянь Цао, согласно преданию, оживил принца царства Го, после чего слава о его искусстве распространилась по всему Китаю.[1] Впоследствии Бянь Цюэ был обожествлен в качестве покровителя медиков и аптекарей. Жертвоприношения в честь Бянь Цао совершались 24 числа 4-го лунного месяца, в день его рождения. На древних рельефах Бянь Цюэ изображён в виде человекоптицы, делающей укол больному.
Бянь Цюэ
Dialogue: 0,0:30:37.30,0:30:41.00,Default,,0,0,0,,"Когда болезнь проникла в костный мозг, исцеление уже невозможно".
Dialogue: 0,0:30:37.30,0:30:44.00,Note,,0,0,0,,Цитата из "Врач Бянь Цюэ встречает гуна Хуаня из княжества Цай".
Dialogue: 0,0:35:30.05,0:35:34.52,Default,,0,0,0,,Чжан "господин Будда" это тот самый Чжан Цишань, да?
Dialogue: 0,0:35:37.12,0:35:39.68,Default,,0,0,0,,Не произноси имя господина Будды всуе.
The name taboo is another name for the real name. In many cultures , there are religious thoughts that the real name is connected with the soul , so there are certain requirements and taboos for the use of the real name , and there are also special attention in daily use, which is called " True name " in English . In the cultural circles of East Asian Chinese characters such as China and Japan , there is a tradition to avoid calling elders , monarchs and other nobles by their real names . This habit is called taboo . Before the Qin Dynasty , "taboo" was only used to refer to the dead; from the Qin Dynasty, it was used by both the living and the dead, and in Japan, it was transformed into a real name specifically for people. In addition to addressing others with "taboo", " table characters " are also used.
In ancient times, it was considered extremely rude to address people by taboos . Only emperors , monarchs , and elders who were very close could directly call them taboos. The Dharma names taken by monks when they are ordained and the new names they take as Buddhist disciples are considered taboos ( dharma taboos ), but there are not many cases of taboos among Buddhists .
In Japan there is a ceremony of giving ordination to monks or to the deceased at funerals . Therefore, it is now confused with taboo and posthumous , and is also used as a synonym in modern Japanese .