
1) and thousands upon thousands made an ocean
;the Atlantic was born today and I'll tell you how
;Ohno Satoshi/Ninomiya Kazunari
;It will go on for months, and when Nino stops to think about it one day he will realise that he’s lost count.

2) Title: The Magician
Fandom: Arashi
Genre: AU. And ... I guess it would be action and drama, although not exclusively. If "long" was a genre, I would say that it's "long."
Pairings: none, but Ohno and Nino are like total BFFs which should surprise no one.
Rating: PG for a bit of swearing.
Length: again, long. It's split up into ten parts. I wanted it in five, but LJ bitched that my posts were too large
Warnings: there's a plot!

3) by isaofdoom
Title: All Your Bases
Character/Pairing(s): Ohno Satoshi/Nimomiya Kazunari, AibaJunSho on the side.
Prompt(s): 'OtakuBoy!Nino or OtakuGirl!Nino with Businessman!Ohno going on a date.'

4) того же автора - isaofdoom
Title: Stranger and Stranger
Character/Pairing(s): Ohno Satoshi/Nimomiya Kazunari
Summary: A stranger turns up at their apartment and no one quite knows who he is, and how he gets them to let him stay. or something?

Кат-тун и Каме

1) автор: mi_key
Редчайший случай - мне понравился десфик. похоже чем-то на Гамлета:

Title: Gravity Is Not The Only Thing Holding Me Back.
Fandom: JE
Pairing: Pikame
Rating: PG15
Warning: Unbeta'd. Tenses change like WHOA.
Disclaimer: Not mine, and no profit is made.
Summary: AU. Spy verse. “Because even if I could turn back time, I would totally make the same choices all over again – if only so that I would still be here, at this moment in time, standing in front of you and speaking to you.”

2) Title: I Believe You Liar
Pairing: Akame (minor Jin/OFC, Kame/OMC, Pi/Kame)
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All events depicted herein are fictional.
Summary: Johnny forces Jin and Kame to hang out in the wake of Jin's departure from KAT-TUN. Jin has lots of feelings.

3) akanishi/kamenashi, akanishi/nishikido, yamashita/akanishi, yamashita/kamenashi

the dry months
samurai/edo universe

4) Extended Recess
я считаю, это моя любимая АУ. ну, если не считать Дже-супермаркет ))

5) Oubliette
Character(s), Pairing: KAT-TUN, Jin/Kame
Rating: R
про Красную Королеву. бриллиант.

6) про маленького Джина и Казу ))
Title: Wish Upon a Wishing Stone
Pairing: Akame
Rating: PG-13
Genre/Warnings: Fluff/Humour/Angst

7) Title: hangdogs (1/9)
Pairing/Group: Hayato/Ryu (Gokusen 2)
Rating: R

8) Название: Love yourself
Автор: Айса Малкавиан, Shion-sama
Пейринг: ПиКаме, АКаме.

из разряда "крэк. очень крэк"
1) [Koichi/Tsuyoshi] [R] ダンスして (Dance With Me)
Recipient: dragon_soda
Title: ダンスして [Dance With Me]
Pairing(s): ultimately Koichi/Tsuyoshi [KinKi Kids] with side dishes of Takki/Tsubasa and Kame/Yamapi [KAT-TUN/NewS]; however, the rest of AT-TUN managed to ninja their way into this fic as well, and thus there is also strong Jin/Ueda and Koki/Maru undertones.
Rating: R

2) прекрасное в 4 частях
Title: Johnny's Supermarket - Special Discount On Rainbows!
Pairing: Various
Genre: Humor
Rating: PG-13
Summary: JE. But they work in a supermarket. No, really.

3) The Spirit of Partying
Title: The Spirit of Partying
Rating: R (for ridiculously strong language)
Characters/Pairings: All of Arashi, all of KAT-TUN, some other JE surprises
Summary: Jun clenched his pen in his fist. He was sick and tired of hearing about Kappa Theta’s wild parties. Nobody ever came to an Alpha Rho Sigma party if the KT’s were lighting it up the same night.
Notes/Warnings: An AU request from katmillia who wanted Arashi and KAT-TUN as competing frat houses. Warnings for frat boy behavior and the language that comes with it. Has it really been 4 years since I
graduated college?

4) прекрасная АУ
серия про группу (музыкальную) под названием Extended Recess (Jin, Kame, Pi, Shirota)

из разряда: мило
Title: in ur chatz, creepin on ur idolz
Characters/Groups: Yokoyama Yu, Ninomiya Kazunari, Aiba Masaki, Taguchi Junnosuke
Genre: Humor
Rating: PG
Warnings: Crack? Bad internet jokes?

понравился автор:

почитать на доосуге:
1) рек по акаме
2) akame fic recommendation

