прекрасный фик про джоннисов, работающих в супермаркете. часть третья. если не ошибаюсь. ЧЕТВЕРТАЯ, товарищи.

[maRk]Johnny's Supermarket - Manager's Special On Glitter!
Title: Johnny's Supermarket - Manager's Special On Glitter!
Pairing: Various
Genre: Humor
Rating: PG-13
Summary: JE. But they work in a supermarket. No, really.

Shun.” Nino replied shortly, “You’re always hanging around with each other.”
“Fraternising.” Aiba nodded, and Jun was abruptly regretful of the fact that he’d sat down and lost his only escape route from this madness.
“It’s called friendship.” Jun snapped at Nino, “I know it’s difficult for you to understand, seeing as your idea of friendship involves invading people’s personal space and inappropriate groping. But I don‘t see the problem. By your logic, you should be having this conversation with Sho - after all, he helps out at Zero, surely that‘s worse.”
“But Zero’s a café, Jun.” Aiba responded, in the tone of one who’s speaking to a very trying five year old, “Tristone’s a supermarket. Shun’s the competition.”

Jin recounted his date with Kame to anyone who’d listen (and a good few who wouldn’t, too) and had to be hastily dragged away by Junno and Maru at several points throughout the day - especially during one memorable incident where Jin had gone so far as to poke Matsujun’s cheek in an attempt to get his attention - he’d succeeded, but it had taken the rest of Arashi and most of News to get Jun’s attention back off of Jin.