Каме может, и я смогу
в общем, я тут слушаю всякие подкасты в метро и в дороге, и мне ну оооочень нравится подкаст от BBC "История мира в 100 объектах". я, конечно, закачала про всякие там китайские яшмовые штучки и японских слоников, но внезапно вот качнула про гравюру "In the dull village".
"Two naked young men, half covered by a blanket, lie side by side in bed. We're looking down at them from the foot of the bed. One lies with his arms behind his head, his eyes closed as though dozing, while the other lies looking eagerly at him. We've got no idea whether the relationship between the two men is recent or of long standing, but at first sight, this looks like a calm, entirely satisfactory "morning after".
It is one of a series of Hockney etchings inspired by the poems of the Greek poet Constantine Cavafy. It was published in 1967, just as Parliament passed the Sexual Offences Act - the first big step in decriminalising homosexuality in England and Wales. David Hockney's image was shocking for many then and, for some, it's still shocking today, even though there is nothing at all explicit about it. The blanket covers both men up to the waist. Yet it raises perplexing questions about what societies find acceptable or unacceptable, about the limits of tolerance and individual freedom."
а вот никто не хочет посоветовать мне еще каких-нибудь подкастов?
"Two naked young men, half covered by a blanket, lie side by side in bed. We're looking down at them from the foot of the bed. One lies with his arms behind his head, his eyes closed as though dozing, while the other lies looking eagerly at him. We've got no idea whether the relationship between the two men is recent or of long standing, but at first sight, this looks like a calm, entirely satisfactory "morning after".
It is one of a series of Hockney etchings inspired by the poems of the Greek poet Constantine Cavafy. It was published in 1967, just as Parliament passed the Sexual Offences Act - the first big step in decriminalising homosexuality in England and Wales. David Hockney's image was shocking for many then and, for some, it's still shocking today, even though there is nothing at all explicit about it. The blanket covers both men up to the waist. Yet it raises perplexing questions about what societies find acceptable or unacceptable, about the limits of tolerance and individual freedom."
а вот никто не хочет посоветовать мне еще каких-нибудь подкастов?
я вот подсела, выкачала все выпуски с начала
периодически слушаю, да )))
и я люблю i haven't seen that, потому что иногда надо чтобы чуть менее фандомный фандом укусил тебя в мозг
хм, посмотрим, что за такое )) спасибо ))
любовь началась вот с этого вот выпуска
что-то не могу найти на айфончике своем )) нашла, но их много очень разных ))