Каме может, и я смогу
ой, не могу. Аиба сделал гей-детектор. из тостера и калькулятора )))

Answering The Big Questions

...while Nino rolled his eyes. “Aiba, you can’t find out how gay someone is using a toaster and a calculator. This is seriously a whole new level of stupid, even for you.”

“I don’t know, Nino,” Jun chuckled as he stopped at one page. “This does appear to be accurate. Listen to this: ‘On first test, Chinen Yuuri only showed a gayness level of 41. However, a second test was run, in which the only spoken topic was Ohno Satoshi. The gayness level shot up to 70!’”

Nino snatched the notes out of Jun’s hand, snarling as he glanced over the part Jun read aloud. “The little brat,” he growled, scanning the other notes. “Aiba, almost everyone in here has a high ‘gayness level.’”

“I know. Doesn’t that prove it’s accurate?”

They couldn’t argue with that.

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