Каме может, и я смогу
Dialogue: 0,0:02:42.15,0:02:45.84,надписи,,0,0,0,,Шанхай, секретная служба "Общества национального возрождения" партии Гоминьдан
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Гоминьда́н (кит. трад. 中國國民黨, упр. 中国国民党, пиньинь Zhōngguó Guómíndǎng, палл. Чжунго Гоминьдан, буквально: «Китайская Национальная партия») — консервативная политическая партия Китайской Республики.
Гоминьдан вместе с Первой народной партией формирует «Большую синюю коалицию[en]», которая тяготеет к воссоединению Китая под главенством Тайваня, в то время как «Большая зелёная коалиция[en]» во главе с Демократической прогрессивной партией стоит на позициях провозглашения Тайваня в качестве независимого государства под названием «Республика Тайвань» (см. Два Китая). Гоминьдан был образован вскоре после Синьхайской революции в Китае, в ходе которой было свергнуто цинское правительство. Гоминьдан вёл вооружённую борьбу с генералами Бэйянской группировки и Коммунистической партией Китая за право управления страной вплоть до поражения в Гражданской войне в 1949 году, когда власть в стране полностью взяли в руки коммунисты, и гоминьдановскому правительству пришлось бежать на Тайвань.
The Chinese National Rejuvenation Society , referred to as Fuxing Society for short , is a peripheral organization of the Three People's Principles Revolutionary Comrades Lixing Society. At the same time, it is also a military organization within the Chinese Kuomintang . Most of the core figures graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy , emphasizing "one doctrine, one political party, one leader", promoting the personal cult of the leader Chiang Kai-shek , and strengthening the ideological control of Chiang Kai-shek's lineage over military officers. It is an intelligence-based military group formed by elite soldiers of the Whampoa family. In 1932, the core members of Fuxingshe established the internal organization Sanminism Lixingshe . Because the cadres of the Fuxing Society imitated the Italian black shirt army and the Nazi German brown shirt army, they all wore blue shirts and yellow trousers, so it was also called the "Blue Shirt Society".
Fuxing Society was established in Nanjing , China on March 1, 1932. The president is Jiang Zhongzheng himself, and there are executive committees and supervisory committees. The main members of the executive committee are He Zhonghan , Gui Yongqing , Xiao Zanyu , Teng Jie , Kang Ze , Dai Li , Zheng Jiemin and other thirteen people, known as "Thirteen Taibao". The peripheral organizations of the Fuxing Society include the " Revolutionary Soldiers Comrades Association ", which is mainly composed of students from the Whampoa Military Academy , with Pan Youqiang as its secretary, and the " Revolutionary Youth Comrades Association ", which is mainly composed of students from other schools, with Kang Ze as its secretary. The Fuxing Society has an action organization " Special Forces ", which is in charge of Kang Ze. In 1934, another peripheral organization, the Loyalty and Righteous Salvation Association, was established.
At the beginning of the establishment of the Fuxing Society, the main activities included the opening of the special agent training class led by Dai Li and Zheng Jiemin, the police training class led by Sun Changjun , and the political training class of the Military Commission chaired by Liu Jianqun , etc., to cultivate direct lineage. Fuxing Society also takes the Political Training Division of the Military Commission as its head office, supervises the army through the political training system of each unit, and conducts military training for students above high school through the National Military Training Committee established in each province.
In 1932, He Zhonghan , a core member of the Fuxing Society, and others established an internal organization, the Three People's Principles Practice Society. All cadres wore blue clothes and yellow trousers, so it was also known as the "Blue Clothes Society".
After 1933, the Fuxing Society set up the Loyalty and Brave Salvation Congress for gang members and the Chinese Cultural Society to expand its influence. Fuxingshe also publishes magazines such as " Chinese Revolution " and " Prospect ".
Soon after the establishment of the Fuxing Society, there was a conflict with the CC faction , and it was forced to withdraw from the field of cultural education and dissolve the Chinese Cultural Society. Since then, the activities of the Fuxing Society have been merged into three systems: He Zhonghan's political training system, Kang Ze's Special Forces Corps, and Dai Li's Secret Service (later developed into the Military Command ).
In 1938, the Fuxing Society announced its dissolution, and most of its members joined the newly established Three People's Principles Youth League .
Its purpose is mentioned in Teng Jie's "Plan": "Under the principle of silence (extreme secret), with Huangpu students as the backbone, combined with the elites of the national civil and military youth, we should effectively grasp the principle of democratic centralism. , to build a strong organization with unity of will, strict discipline, clear responsibility and agile action”. He hopes to rely on this organization to eradicate corruption, awaken the people, resist foreign aggression, and ultimately "revive our Chinese nation."
The main activities of the Fuxing Society: 1. Preparation for the war against Japan; 2. Intelligence work for eliminating the feudal forces of the local warlords' separatist forces; 3. Unity or disintegration of various military groups; 4. Anti-Communist and anti-Soviet propaganda.
Personnel composition
The agency is divided into four levels: head office, branch office, branch office and group. The head office is located in Nanjing. Chiang Kai-shek served as president. It consists of an executive committee and a supervisory committee. The Executive Council is the executive body after the congress of members is closed, and it consists of personnel, organization, training, publicity, special affairs, general affairs and other departments. The Secret Service later became the basis for the expansion of the Military Bureau. The Supervisory Committee consists of secretaries, investigation, audit and other departments. The branch is the provincial (city) level leading organization. The branch has a branch, which consists of three or more groups. The members of the society are generally recruited from the members of its peripheral organizations, the Revolutionary Young Soldiers Comrades Association and the Revolutionary Young Comrades Association (the two associations were merged and reorganized into the China Youth Revolutionary Comrades Association in 1932). Anyone who participates in the club must be introduced by three members of the club, fill in the form and take an oath.
Академия Вампу
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Перейти к навигацииПерейти к поиску
Академия Вампу
Год основания 16 июня 1924
Сайт cma.edu.tw
Логотип Викисклада Медиафайлы на Викискладе
Академия Вампу (кит. трад. 中華民國陸軍軍官學校, упр. 中华民国陆军军官学校, пиньинь Zhōnghúa Mīngúo Lùjūn Jūnguān Xúexiào или сокращённо кит. трад. 陸軍官校, упр. 陆军官校, пиньинь Lùjūn Guānxiào, кит. трад. 陸官, упр. 陆官, пиньинь Lùguān) — основанная Сунь Ятсеном военная школа для подготовки революционных офицерских кадров для армии Китайской республики. В настоящее время — военно-учебное заведение Вооружённых сил Тайваня.
1 История
2 См. также
3 Литература
4 Ссылки
Была создана Сунь Ятсеном в сотрудничестве с коммунистами в мае 1924 близ города Гуанчжоу в устье реки Чжуцзян на острове Хуанпу (на местном кантонском диалекте это название произносится как «Вампу»), от которого и получила название. Официально открыта 16 июня 1924, первые занятия начались 1 мая 1924 г. Во время открытия Сунь Ятсен произнес речь, слова которой впоследствии стали основой гимна Тайваня.
Возглавил академию Чан Кайши, его заместителем по политической части был Чжоу Эньлай. Большую помощь в организации и работе академии Вампу оказали советские военные специалисты во главе с П. А. Павловым, а затем, после его гибели в июле 1924, со сменившим его на этом посту В. К. Блюхером (Галиным), а также политический советник гоминьдана М. М. Бородин. В организации академии принимали участие А. И. Черепанов (главный советник), Н. А. Шевалдин (пехотный советник, работавший под фамилией Прибылев), Е. А. Яковлев (советник по инженерному делу), Т. А. Бесчастнов, Г. И. Гилев (артиллерийские советники), И. Г. Герман, В. Е. Поляк, а в разработке её учебной программы — И. Б. Разгон, В. А. Степанов, А. И. Черепанов, В. П. Рогачев, И. К. Мамаев, А. С. Бубнов, Г. И. Гилев, М. И. Дратвин, С. Н. Наумов, М. Ф. Сахновская.
Сунь Ятсен во время визита в Академию Вампу 16 июня 1924 года. Стоят, слева направо: Хэ Инцинь, Чан Кайши и Ван Болин
В 1924—1926 годах академия подготовила 4258 офицеров. Выпускники академии играли важную роль как в национально-революционной армии гоминьдана, так и в коммунистической красной армии Китая, образовавшейся после разрыва между гоминьданом и коммунистами. Выпускники академии сыграли важную роль в Северном походе 1926—1927.
После северного похода академия в начале 1927 была переведена в Ухань, а в 1928 году в новую столицу Китая Нанкин. Во время японо-китайской войны академия была эвакуирована в Чэнду.
После поражения гоминьдана в гражданской войне академия была воссоздана на Тайване в Гаосюне, носит название Военная академия Китайской республики.
См. также
Эра милитаристов в Китае
«Новое изложение рассказов, в свете ходящих»
«Новое изложение рассказов в свете ходящих» (сочинение Лю Ицина)
новое изложение старых повестей
shì shuō xīn yǔ
Shì shuō Xīn yǔ
A New Account of the Tales of the World, collection of anecdotes, conversations, remarks etc of historic personalities, compiled and edited by Liu Yiqing 刘义庆[Liú Yì qìng]
Saoye Publishing House
Dialogue: 0,0:38:33.06,0:38:37.10,Default,,0,0,0,,Здравствуйте. Я хочу заказать "Новое изложение рассказов, в свете ходящих".
Dialogue: 0,0:38:37.10,0:38:39.40,Default,,0,0,0,,У вас есть экземпляр от издательства "Саое"?
Sweep Leaf Sanbanggulsa History Research
Posted on:2006-03-11 Degreeoctor Typeissertation
Country:China Candidate:L Y Yang Full Text:PDF
GTID:1118360155460459 Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary: PDF Full Text Request
This thesis focuses on the Saoye Publishing House, a famous publishing house in the Qing Dynasty, which was founded by a Xi family in Dongting, Suzhou, nearly two hundred years ago and since then had been handed down in the family. Instead of giving an introduction to the complete history of the publishing house, the writer pays more attention to the key period in history of Saoye together with the relevant ancient books and data. The thesis consists of four chapters.Chapter 1 verifies the time of foundation of Saoye.Chapter 2 reviews the life of Xi Shichen, the founder of Saoye, and the features of printing and publication in Qianlong and Jiangqing Periods of Qing Dynasty.Chapter 3 probes into the features of block-printed book printed by Saoye in Tongguang period of Qing Dynasty and Saoye's relationship with others of the same trade in this period.Chapter 4 focuses on the change of lithography during the late Qing and early Republican periods and the feature of The Journal of Literature issued by Saoye .In current academic circle, quite a lot of researches concern the history of the development of publishing houses as the whole and few case studies have been carried out. In response, this thesis makes an in-depth study on certain key questions in the development of the Saoye Printing House and some fruitful findings have been achieved. For example, the correction of the time of foundation of Saoye, which has corrected certain different kinds of views that were wrong or fell short of the historical facts. The thorough study of the relationship among Saoye and two other publishing houses in the Tongguang Period provides important criterion for the accurate copying of the books published in such period. The investigation on the role of the Saoye Publishing house and the early publishing trade association holds a valuable clue for the study on the development of the copyright consciousness in the late Qing period. Meanwhile, the study on lithographic book by the Saoye Publishing house and the collecting and neatening of the books available enlighten the development of the lithography technique as a whole during the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republican China.In conclusion, this thesis has practical value in that it has presented an example as a practical case study on the history of development of the publishing houses in Qing Dynasy.The data quoted in this thesis mainly take its sources at such first-hand materials, such as pedigrees, chorography, biography, history archives (annals), inscriptions, works of the scholars of Qing Dynasy, novels and so on. Useful statistics are presented in the thesis with the relevant data. At the same time, spot check was carried out on some important ancient editions published by Saoye, and only with a little cleaning-up work, the true and credible data was obtained. At the end of the thesis, part of the achievements of the thesis was organized into "the bibliography available lithographed by the Saoye Publishing house " and incorporated into the addenda for the sake of reference.
Keywords/Search Tags: the Saoye Publishing House, Xi family in Dongting, the history of development of the publishing house, block-printed book, lithographed edition
читать дальше
Гоминьда́н (кит. трад. 中國國民黨, упр. 中国国民党, пиньинь Zhōngguó Guómíndǎng, палл. Чжунго Гоминьдан, буквально: «Китайская Национальная партия») — консервативная политическая партия Китайской Республики.
Гоминьдан вместе с Первой народной партией формирует «Большую синюю коалицию[en]», которая тяготеет к воссоединению Китая под главенством Тайваня, в то время как «Большая зелёная коалиция[en]» во главе с Демократической прогрессивной партией стоит на позициях провозглашения Тайваня в качестве независимого государства под названием «Республика Тайвань» (см. Два Китая). Гоминьдан был образован вскоре после Синьхайской революции в Китае, в ходе которой было свергнуто цинское правительство. Гоминьдан вёл вооружённую борьбу с генералами Бэйянской группировки и Коммунистической партией Китая за право управления страной вплоть до поражения в Гражданской войне в 1949 году, когда власть в стране полностью взяли в руки коммунисты, и гоминьдановскому правительству пришлось бежать на Тайвань.
The Chinese National Rejuvenation Society , referred to as Fuxing Society for short , is a peripheral organization of the Three People's Principles Revolutionary Comrades Lixing Society. At the same time, it is also a military organization within the Chinese Kuomintang . Most of the core figures graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy , emphasizing "one doctrine, one political party, one leader", promoting the personal cult of the leader Chiang Kai-shek , and strengthening the ideological control of Chiang Kai-shek's lineage over military officers. It is an intelligence-based military group formed by elite soldiers of the Whampoa family. In 1932, the core members of Fuxingshe established the internal organization Sanminism Lixingshe . Because the cadres of the Fuxing Society imitated the Italian black shirt army and the Nazi German brown shirt army, they all wore blue shirts and yellow trousers, so it was also called the "Blue Shirt Society".
Fuxing Society was established in Nanjing , China on March 1, 1932. The president is Jiang Zhongzheng himself, and there are executive committees and supervisory committees. The main members of the executive committee are He Zhonghan , Gui Yongqing , Xiao Zanyu , Teng Jie , Kang Ze , Dai Li , Zheng Jiemin and other thirteen people, known as "Thirteen Taibao". The peripheral organizations of the Fuxing Society include the " Revolutionary Soldiers Comrades Association ", which is mainly composed of students from the Whampoa Military Academy , with Pan Youqiang as its secretary, and the " Revolutionary Youth Comrades Association ", which is mainly composed of students from other schools, with Kang Ze as its secretary. The Fuxing Society has an action organization " Special Forces ", which is in charge of Kang Ze. In 1934, another peripheral organization, the Loyalty and Righteous Salvation Association, was established.
At the beginning of the establishment of the Fuxing Society, the main activities included the opening of the special agent training class led by Dai Li and Zheng Jiemin, the police training class led by Sun Changjun , and the political training class of the Military Commission chaired by Liu Jianqun , etc., to cultivate direct lineage. Fuxing Society also takes the Political Training Division of the Military Commission as its head office, supervises the army through the political training system of each unit, and conducts military training for students above high school through the National Military Training Committee established in each province.
In 1932, He Zhonghan , a core member of the Fuxing Society, and others established an internal organization, the Three People's Principles Practice Society. All cadres wore blue clothes and yellow trousers, so it was also known as the "Blue Clothes Society".
After 1933, the Fuxing Society set up the Loyalty and Brave Salvation Congress for gang members and the Chinese Cultural Society to expand its influence. Fuxingshe also publishes magazines such as " Chinese Revolution " and " Prospect ".
Soon after the establishment of the Fuxing Society, there was a conflict with the CC faction , and it was forced to withdraw from the field of cultural education and dissolve the Chinese Cultural Society. Since then, the activities of the Fuxing Society have been merged into three systems: He Zhonghan's political training system, Kang Ze's Special Forces Corps, and Dai Li's Secret Service (later developed into the Military Command ).
In 1938, the Fuxing Society announced its dissolution, and most of its members joined the newly established Three People's Principles Youth League .
Its purpose is mentioned in Teng Jie's "Plan": "Under the principle of silence (extreme secret), with Huangpu students as the backbone, combined with the elites of the national civil and military youth, we should effectively grasp the principle of democratic centralism. , to build a strong organization with unity of will, strict discipline, clear responsibility and agile action”. He hopes to rely on this organization to eradicate corruption, awaken the people, resist foreign aggression, and ultimately "revive our Chinese nation."
The main activities of the Fuxing Society: 1. Preparation for the war against Japan; 2. Intelligence work for eliminating the feudal forces of the local warlords' separatist forces; 3. Unity or disintegration of various military groups; 4. Anti-Communist and anti-Soviet propaganda.
Personnel composition
The agency is divided into four levels: head office, branch office, branch office and group. The head office is located in Nanjing. Chiang Kai-shek served as president. It consists of an executive committee and a supervisory committee. The Executive Council is the executive body after the congress of members is closed, and it consists of personnel, organization, training, publicity, special affairs, general affairs and other departments. The Secret Service later became the basis for the expansion of the Military Bureau. The Supervisory Committee consists of secretaries, investigation, audit and other departments. The branch is the provincial (city) level leading organization. The branch has a branch, which consists of three or more groups. The members of the society are generally recruited from the members of its peripheral organizations, the Revolutionary Young Soldiers Comrades Association and the Revolutionary Young Comrades Association (the two associations were merged and reorganized into the China Youth Revolutionary Comrades Association in 1932). Anyone who participates in the club must be introduced by three members of the club, fill in the form and take an oath.
Академия Вампу
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Перейти к навигацииПерейти к поиску
Академия Вампу
Год основания 16 июня 1924
Сайт cma.edu.tw
Логотип Викисклада Медиафайлы на Викискладе
Академия Вампу (кит. трад. 中華民國陸軍軍官學校, упр. 中华民国陆军军官学校, пиньинь Zhōnghúa Mīngúo Lùjūn Jūnguān Xúexiào или сокращённо кит. трад. 陸軍官校, упр. 陆军官校, пиньинь Lùjūn Guānxiào, кит. трад. 陸官, упр. 陆官, пиньинь Lùguān) — основанная Сунь Ятсеном военная школа для подготовки революционных офицерских кадров для армии Китайской республики. В настоящее время — военно-учебное заведение Вооружённых сил Тайваня.
1 История
2 См. также
3 Литература
4 Ссылки
Была создана Сунь Ятсеном в сотрудничестве с коммунистами в мае 1924 близ города Гуанчжоу в устье реки Чжуцзян на острове Хуанпу (на местном кантонском диалекте это название произносится как «Вампу»), от которого и получила название. Официально открыта 16 июня 1924, первые занятия начались 1 мая 1924 г. Во время открытия Сунь Ятсен произнес речь, слова которой впоследствии стали основой гимна Тайваня.
Возглавил академию Чан Кайши, его заместителем по политической части был Чжоу Эньлай. Большую помощь в организации и работе академии Вампу оказали советские военные специалисты во главе с П. А. Павловым, а затем, после его гибели в июле 1924, со сменившим его на этом посту В. К. Блюхером (Галиным), а также политический советник гоминьдана М. М. Бородин. В организации академии принимали участие А. И. Черепанов (главный советник), Н. А. Шевалдин (пехотный советник, работавший под фамилией Прибылев), Е. А. Яковлев (советник по инженерному делу), Т. А. Бесчастнов, Г. И. Гилев (артиллерийские советники), И. Г. Герман, В. Е. Поляк, а в разработке её учебной программы — И. Б. Разгон, В. А. Степанов, А. И. Черепанов, В. П. Рогачев, И. К. Мамаев, А. С. Бубнов, Г. И. Гилев, М. И. Дратвин, С. Н. Наумов, М. Ф. Сахновская.
Сунь Ятсен во время визита в Академию Вампу 16 июня 1924 года. Стоят, слева направо: Хэ Инцинь, Чан Кайши и Ван Болин
В 1924—1926 годах академия подготовила 4258 офицеров. Выпускники академии играли важную роль как в национально-революционной армии гоминьдана, так и в коммунистической красной армии Китая, образовавшейся после разрыва между гоминьданом и коммунистами. Выпускники академии сыграли важную роль в Северном походе 1926—1927.
После северного похода академия в начале 1927 была переведена в Ухань, а в 1928 году в новую столицу Китая Нанкин. Во время японо-китайской войны академия была эвакуирована в Чэнду.
После поражения гоминьдана в гражданской войне академия была воссоздана на Тайване в Гаосюне, носит название Военная академия Китайской республики.
См. также
Эра милитаристов в Китае
«Новое изложение рассказов, в свете ходящих»
«Новое изложение рассказов в свете ходящих» (сочинение Лю Ицина)
новое изложение старых повестей
shì shuō xīn yǔ
Shì shuō Xīn yǔ
A New Account of the Tales of the World, collection of anecdotes, conversations, remarks etc of historic personalities, compiled and edited by Liu Yiqing 刘义庆[Liú Yì qìng]
Saoye Publishing House
Dialogue: 0,0:38:33.06,0:38:37.10,Default,,0,0,0,,Здравствуйте. Я хочу заказать "Новое изложение рассказов, в свете ходящих".
Dialogue: 0,0:38:37.10,0:38:39.40,Default,,0,0,0,,У вас есть экземпляр от издательства "Саое"?
Sweep Leaf Sanbanggulsa History Research
Posted on:2006-03-11 Degreeoctor Typeissertation
Country:China Candidate:L Y Yang Full Text:PDF
GTID:1118360155460459 Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary: PDF Full Text Request
This thesis focuses on the Saoye Publishing House, a famous publishing house in the Qing Dynasty, which was founded by a Xi family in Dongting, Suzhou, nearly two hundred years ago and since then had been handed down in the family. Instead of giving an introduction to the complete history of the publishing house, the writer pays more attention to the key period in history of Saoye together with the relevant ancient books and data. The thesis consists of four chapters.Chapter 1 verifies the time of foundation of Saoye.Chapter 2 reviews the life of Xi Shichen, the founder of Saoye, and the features of printing and publication in Qianlong and Jiangqing Periods of Qing Dynasty.Chapter 3 probes into the features of block-printed book printed by Saoye in Tongguang period of Qing Dynasty and Saoye's relationship with others of the same trade in this period.Chapter 4 focuses on the change of lithography during the late Qing and early Republican periods and the feature of The Journal of Literature issued by Saoye .In current academic circle, quite a lot of researches concern the history of the development of publishing houses as the whole and few case studies have been carried out. In response, this thesis makes an in-depth study on certain key questions in the development of the Saoye Printing House and some fruitful findings have been achieved. For example, the correction of the time of foundation of Saoye, which has corrected certain different kinds of views that were wrong or fell short of the historical facts. The thorough study of the relationship among Saoye and two other publishing houses in the Tongguang Period provides important criterion for the accurate copying of the books published in such period. The investigation on the role of the Saoye Publishing house and the early publishing trade association holds a valuable clue for the study on the development of the copyright consciousness in the late Qing period. Meanwhile, the study on lithographic book by the Saoye Publishing house and the collecting and neatening of the books available enlighten the development of the lithography technique as a whole during the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republican China.In conclusion, this thesis has practical value in that it has presented an example as a practical case study on the history of development of the publishing houses in Qing Dynasy.The data quoted in this thesis mainly take its sources at such first-hand materials, such as pedigrees, chorography, biography, history archives (annals), inscriptions, works of the scholars of Qing Dynasy, novels and so on. Useful statistics are presented in the thesis with the relevant data. At the same time, spot check was carried out on some important ancient editions published by Saoye, and only with a little cleaning-up work, the true and credible data was obtained. At the end of the thesis, part of the achievements of the thesis was organized into "the bibliography available lithographed by the Saoye Publishing house " and incorporated into the addenda for the sake of reference.
Keywords/Search Tags: the Saoye Publishing House, Xi family in Dongting, the history of development of the publishing house, block-printed book, lithographed edition
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